Why SI?

“Some individuals may perceive their losing fight with gravity as a sharp pain in their back, others as the unflattering contour of their body, others as constant fatigue, yet others as an unrelentingly threatening environment. Those over forty may call it old age. And yet all these signals may be pointing to a single problem so prominent in their own structure, as well as others, that it has been ignored: they are off balance, they are at war with gravity.”

Dr Ida P Rolf.

Imagine a world where the vast majority of us wake up inspired, feel safe at work and return home at the end of the day feeling fulfilled …what if those masses decided to be be the change they wish to see in the world, to be the kind of leaders we wish we had. Collaborative, problem solving, strategic, inspired, balanced, wise, courageous. The solution to the worlds problems will not be found in what more of what created them in the first place, demagogues, existing leaders, competition and its finite games.

Rather the world needs grounded, wise , centred, supported, creative, inspired problem solvers. Not simply leading from on the telly but in every community, collaborating with other leaders of the same nature. This kind of leadership …… WOW.

I believe we all have the potential and everyday i strive to help clients recognise it. This is our birthright. In order to claim that birthright you need a Body, Mind, and Spirit that can support it.

“In order to become master of your own destiny (genes), one has to clean up or move away from as many stressors as possible (OW brain- fight or flight, symapathetic) and move towards joyful, creative experiences and people (WOW brain- rest/digest/create parasympathetic).”

To achieve this blissful state one has to be be engaged in the “WOW” brain. This is the part of the autonomic nervous system that deals with creativity, inspiration, growth, healing, resting, digesting, collaborating, loving…..

Most people are dominated by the OW brain state and begin to identify with their character and behaviour in that perilous state. (freudian, pained, stuck, confused, tyrannical, anxious, ashamed, angry, alone, heavy, critical, procrastination, judgemental…..)

The body has replaced every cell within roughly 2 years (often cited as being as little as 6 months). This means it is constantly recycling and upgrading itself, like a river ever flowing.

If you can accept this revelatory information you may well ask “why does MY body keep replacing itself with bits that don’t work so well, or are painful, or even diseased ?”

Good question!!

It seems that these uncomfortable glitches, old traumas and patterns can be invited to rejoin the river and flow away.

In the OW state we are reactive, dissociative, irrational, internally and externally critical, in pain, confused or fixed in our mindset, in fact we appear degraded into a “Freudian man” malaise.

How to flip your systems from OW to WOW was how i began my journey. The best method i have used is undoubtably a process called STRUCTURAL INTEGRATION. The life’s work of One Dr Ida P Rolf.

SI is a journey and a process. It offers the enticing prospect of clearing vast swathes of OW programmes gathered over a lifetime, and in as little s 10 hours can hit the reboot, restore to factory settings function, providing a body lifted by gravity, replete with energy to spare.

We begin with the body as our territory and “the recipe” the map, but observe the whole human being, in a gentle empathic intelligent fashion to discover the version of you that you secretly always hoped you would be.

“90% of the energy output of the brain is used in maintaining the body in gravity, the more mechanically distorted a person is the less energy for thinking, metabolism and healing. “ Dr Roger Sperry; Nobel Laureate in medicine and neurobiology )

Well it seems common sense that if the body is ill at ease, imbalanced, or hanging on too tightly, it is capable of wasting a huge amount of energy, constantly and everyday. Just like when you clean out old stuff from your phone, save wasted energy and its will reroute into enhanced performance. ie it will work better.

As we clear out the old postural apps, to the body it is like the tide coming into the harbour, all the ships rise. All the systems of the body have a greater pot of energy to spread around and use for what seems best.

Just in case you are wondering, the part of you that deals with all this (the non conscious) processes roughly 2 trillion bits of information per second, it is a management system like nothing technology can imagine. It unfortunately does not deal in thoughts and words. So the bit of you that can help the most is oft times hindered by the smaller thinking speaking part of our intelligence (the tablet that can manage 4000bits per sec).

Translation, you don’t need to think about where the extra energy goes as you have a deep intelligence that knows better than you can possibly think.

This intelligence is responsible for managing the posture and the relationship to gravity. One of the most fundamental in our environment. It can be instructed firmly or romanced delicately by touch and intention and can change its shape and nature quicker than you can imagine. It deals with homeostasis and balance, and manages all the stressors of life, outside and in.

So why Structural integration? because it allows direct communication with the super intelligence in you, facilitates great change, and can be used to explore the reaches of our potential.

Dr Rolf once told her students “there is a rumor going around that Ida Rolf does not believe in the soul or spirit. That is poppycock. It’s just that right now the body is the only thing I can get my hands on.”

Her intent transcended physical form. Structural Integration is a means of encouraging a body to express the being it belongs to as fully and effectively as is possible at that moment.

The more adaptable, resilient, supported, and nourished your body is, the more it can support change, growth, and full expression on every other level of your being. It’s not about becoming perfectly symmetrical. It’s about embodying who you are at a higher level.

As a final thought for now, in a time of changing employment, artificial intelligence, and trepidation about the future, one area guaranteed to continue growing is healing. There are more people everyday in need, the stats paint a concerning picture.

As a practitioner of SI you are engaged in a practice that has high job satisfaction, with an ever increasing market. If you are looking to transition from career to vocation, what better vocation to align yourself with than to be caring for individuals, being of service to others, helping those others heal and become more.

Now that is a good reason to get out of bed any morning, monday or not!!