Rolfi Apprenticeship

we teach Dr Ida Rolf’s recipe of Structural integration (10 series) in its original unchanged form.

We choose to contemplate a spiritual energetic human from which the form and structure emerges.

We also assume a greater inherent biological intelligence ultimately guides the clients process and its preferred language is that of sensation and feeling as opposed to thinking.

We consider the modern ideas of psycho-neuroimmunology, epigenetics, three brains, terrain theory, the quantum universe and the body energetic, entrainment, amplification and de-amplification, the spectrum of trauma and somato-emotional release, ancestry and the many maps of the human condition, in order to develop and deepen our concept of “intention”

We Teach that the body will often respond differently to changes in our intention. When we change what we think, the thing we think of changes. Thus the experience of a session and the response of the body can vary infinitely.

We hold to Dr Rolfs idea of the recipe inviting the elevation of human potential and engage with clients as a potentially transformative chapter in what is a greater narrative of their life.

We do not seek to fix, guide or instruct our clients process and journey, only to hold space for whatever level of metamorphosis may or may not arrive, during or after.

Our format is that of an apprenticeship passing through both the auditing and practitioner phases. The teaching methodology remains, experience discuss, observe discuss, apply discuss and we seek to allow inspiration to facilitate the “osmotic” absorption of the wisdom of Dr Rolfs work.


Auditing phase
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Practitioner Phase
from £1,000.00
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Structural integration session
from £75.00
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Quantum Structural Integration
from £95.00
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Quantum Embodied Transformation
from £225.00
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Quantum Embodiment Transformation 1 day retreat
from £260.00
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Three Brain Total Overhaul
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Gift someone you love
from £50.00