Microbes-Friend or foe?

Living breathing environment of the human being

You are not only the environment but you are also in it .

In fact if you compare the number of microbial cells to the number of human cells you start to wonder if we are the passengers in this relationship. These microbes are symbiotic in there dominant life mode and provide all manner of goodies for the human body .

Seems rather ridiculous to make an enemy of your environment and imagine it full of invaders yet here we find ourselves. In fact there was a spell in religious history where society was persuaded that nature was dangerous and full of imps and demons, so i guess its not such a new idea after all.

In the modern era, our understanding of the importance of human microbiota and its impact on human health has become increasingly evident. For a long time, our knowledge of how diseases spread relied heavily on Pasteurs’ germ theory of disease, which posits that specific microorganisms are the causative agents of many ailments. However, in recent years there has been growing awareness of the terrain theory of disease (essentially based on the work of Beschamp), which posits that the overall health of the human body, including factors such as nutrition, environmental toxins, stress, and genetics, has a significant impact on the body's susceptibility to illness.

The Germ Theory of Disease

The Germ theory of disease is the idea that microorganisms, such as bacteria or viruses, cause specific diseases. Simply put, the germ theory posits that a given microorganism is the single causative agent of a particular ailment. This theory was first formulated by French scientist Louis Pasteur during the late 19th century with a simple example of the application of the theory being that of the infection of wounds or diseases. In recent times, this model has been used as a basis for modern Western medicine.

The Terrain Theory of Disease

The terrain theory posits that the overall health of the organism or the "terrain" determines whether or not an individual falls ill. In this view, microorganisms do not cause diseases but rather are a symptom of an underlying imbalance in the body. What this view suggests is that, in the presence of a bacterial or viral infection, the immune system's health determines whether or not the individual gets infected or not. Hence, instead of considering all people to be susceptible to the same set of infections and diseases, we must look more closely to the individual's terrain to determine susceptibility. As an extension of this if you play with this in the context of Masumaro emoto’s work on the receptive nature of water you begin to imagine even further than that. Before you call me out as a fantasist, in another article ill present the experiment my girls (lilith aged 9 at the time and lyra aged 7 at the time; they insisted on being cited in this article) did with growing rice bacteria, and varying the energy of human interaction with it. one pot got a daily curse (which they thoroughly enjoyed…the girls) one got ignored (the control) and one got blessed and praised. The results were astounding and undeniable. the bacteria were definitely listening and responded in kind. I will show you the pics in another article. So microbes and indeed all our own cells are probably listening to our emotion and energy. or our intention as we call it

The Biome and the Microbiome

The body has several microbiota that reside within the body, including bacteria, viruses, fungi, and other organisms that exist in a state of equilibrium. These microbiota are present everywhere in the body and have critical roles to play in human health. The microbiota in the body collectively form a biome or a microbiome. For instance, the human gut has a set of microbiota that perform several functions such as the digestion of food, absorption of nutrients, and the synthesis of various important chemicals. Anything that disrupts the delicate balance of microbiota in the gut can cause gastrointestinal diseases, and in severe cases, can even lead to sepsis.

I remember Paul check 20 years ago citing extensive research demonstrating that 8/10 diseases originate in the gut. He also stated categorically that about the same number of musculoskeletal injuries have the same origin via the viscero-somatic response and the relationship between the guts ecology and inflammation with the optimum function of the inner unit of the “core” so vital to stability and efficiency in the whole body.

As further consideration i have worked with a live and dried bloods specialist over many sessions and clients who uses dark light microscopy in real time to evaluate both gut and whole body health. Her accuracy was unparalleled as she was afforded a rare first order observation of conditions within the body.

She held fast (after 30+years of practice ) to the same idea and belief. She also, by working with this practically, managed to help a huge number of people recover from conditions from mild to life threatening, by treating the gut as an environment and the inhabitants as friendly.

Also worthy of consideration are her expert observations on the impact that decades of antibiotic use have wrought on the human body, gut and thus human condition. Fungus and mould have no place in the internal physiology of humans however they have increasingly taken up residence at the invite of pro-fungal/antibiotic substances made by yeasts and moulds to clear pesky bacterial competitors. Once these are in the body they can be very  tricky to get rid of.  I have experienced working with clients via the methods of functional diagnostic medicine, in order to rid the of candida over growth.

The Gut-Brain Connection

Research has confirmed that there is a strong connection between the gut and the brain, established by the vagus nerve, which is responsible for transmitting signals between the two. There is a communication network between the gut and the brain in a bidirectional fashion. An imbalance in the gut, therefore, has a direct effect on the mood of the person, hence the term gut-brain axis.

As any observant practitioner can validate this axis also has lines of comms that run into structure and posture. Meaning you can learn to see gut function and adrenal state in a persons postural presentation to the world, and also the quality and feel of the fascia. Inflamed/leaky guts (which is a particularly high percentage of the population) lead to inflamed fascia/water/interstitial spaces which are readily discernible to an educated hand.

Neuropeptides and the Microbiome

There are several chemicals that the gut microbiota produces that we haven't previously been aware of. For instance, enteric peptides are essentially neurotransmitters that can affect the way we feel and react to external stimuli. The vast majority of these peptides are produced in the gut, and some work in a similar manner to the ones that control our mood and feelings; hence a gut microbiome imbalance can cause depressive thoughts or anxiety. The mental health implications of the microbiome have been the subject of several research studies, with some research linking microbiome imbalances to disorders such as Alzheimer's disease and schizophrenia.

Hijacking of the Signaling Mechanisms

Microorganisms have several mechanisms that allow them to influence human health. One of the ways is through the manipulation of hormones and other signaling pathways such as cytokines, which are key molecules in the body's response to infection. For instance, some “harmful” (we will come back to that concept at the end of this article) bacteria can “trick“ the body into releasing molecules that dampen the immune system's response, allowing the pathogen to spread and causing the immune system to attack itself (autoimmunity). These are some of the ways that dysbiosis can hamper the health of the body.

Another interesting area of research relates to food selection. Once these bacteria go into rampage mode and set up colonies, they have a preferred  environment and food needs. They can signal there desire via your autonomic system and give you a craving for the “junk” food that you then believe is your own. Wow


The competitive nature of the human microbiome implies that everything depends on the survival of the fittest. The germ theory's major effect on modern medicine is the development of antibiotics that have halted the spread of many infectious diseases. However, antibiotics have the unintended consequence of disrupting the normal microbiota balance in the body, causing antibiotic resistance and a propensity for several non-communicable diseases such as obesity, diabetes, and autoimmune disorders.

Terrain theory acknowledges the importance of the human microbiome and gut health; it is a holistic approach to healthcare that considers the overall health of the individual in treating an ailment.

A healthy diet rich in essential nutrients, adequate sleep, and maintaining a healthy stress level are critical in promoting a robust microbiome. A review of the previous studies suggests that microbiota "imbalance" can cause many diseases; this can be corrected through the rebalancing of the biome. Terrain Theory, therefore, is a much better model for applied primary healthcare that encourages lifestyle interventions, ensuring the overall continuity of health and sustainability of good  personal health

It is also worth considering that the baseline state for life is parasympathetic. Sympathetic is a reaction to threat or perceived danger. Microbes are no different- as above, so below.

A more useful summary is that in nature and thus in humans microbes are ultimately recyclers of dead and decaying material. As the cells of a human body begin to emit the signals of decay and death- as they do right before the moment that apoptosis (voluntary cell suicide) begins , the bacteria flip “life modes” into clean up and digest or “swarm mode” and they begin the act of cleaning up the dying cellular material. An elementary study of what begins this process and what elements in humans create the cell suicide conditions is perhaps the subject of a further  more detailed article.

But as a final addendum i would leave the bombshell beginning of yet another article regarding the problems with demonstrating the presence of viruses outside of living organisms and the similarity of such organisms when found in the body, to exosomes which are one of the emergency, cellular  signalling mechanisms that precede apoptosis.

All in all much to consider and many possible ways to create greater peace within our bodies and psychologies. Yet another  interesting set of maps worthy of the attention of an astute practitioner of this scientific art.


Emotions Matter