The Rolfi- Integrators of structure and spirit?


Dr Yida Rolf?


Rolfing training and Jedi training may seem like completely different practices on the surface, but once you dig deeper you'll find that they actually have a lot in common. Both require a dedication to learning and mastering a specific set of skills relating to a mysterious force that both binds, heals and defines the universe and all you find in it. They also require a certain level of toughness, discipline, and perhaps most importantly, a Jedi-like ability to use the force (of touch) for good.

The Rolfing process involves a deep understanding of gravity, human beings and the way they moves through life, as well as a willingness to work with clients to achieve their greatest potential hopefully to do more good in their world. Jedi training on the other hand, involves a deep understanding of the force and the way it can be used to achieve great things for the universe. You could easily argue these two crafts are the micro and macro view of the same thing. Furthermore there are some common traits that are essential for success in both arenas.

First and foremost, both Rolfing training and Jedi training require a willingness to put in long hours of practice and training. This means dedicating a lot of time to honing your craft, whether that means working with clients day after day or mastering the ways of the force. It's not an easy journey, but those who are willing to put in the time will reap the rewards.

Another shared value between these two practices is the importance of mindfulness and intention. Both Rolfing training and Jedi training require a deep understanding of your own body and mind, as well as the ability to be present in the moment. Only by being in tune with your surroundings can you truly master your craft and achieve great things.

Finally, there's the warrior monk-like quality that both Rolfing training and Jedi training require. To be successful in either practice, you need to be both a fighter and a healer. You need the strength to battle through tough obstacles and the compassion to help others along the way.

So if you're looking to follow in the footsteps of some of the greatest Jedi and Rolfers of all time, start training today. With discipline, focus, and a little bit of humor, you'll soon master the skills you need to help others and heal the galaxy. May the force (and the force of touch) be with you!


Psychoneuro immunology, epigenetics, posture, conciousness and fascia