Supernatural Structural Integration

I was recently lucky enough to engage with Dr joe Dispenzas excellent book and associated workshops “supernatural.” His work takes a scientific measuring approach to demystifying and imaging aspects of possible change in the human condition and the correlative behaviour, mental, emotional and physical changes that can be created by The power of Intention. Straight away my ears pricked up at this wonderful word and muse….intention

Joe Dispenza is a renowned speaker, author, and researcher in the field of neuroscience, epigenetics, and mind-body healing. The central theme of his work is the power of intention and how the mind affects the body.

Research in neuroscience shows that the brain's ability to restructure itself in response to environmental or behavioral changes is called neuroplasticity. The concept of neuroplasticity suggests that the brain can be rewired to achieve new ways of thinking, feeling, and behaving. Epigenetics examines the impact of the environment on genetic expression, indicating that environmental factors (such as stress, toxins or nutrition) can change the way genes function.

Dispenza's work also draws on quantum physics, which underscores that reality is not fixed, but rather that the observer has an active role in creating their reality. Furthermore, every individual produces electromagnetic fields, indicating a connection between our thoughts and our body's electrical activity.

Dispenza's approach to healing is centered around the power of intention. By cultivating a specific intention, an individual can shift their thoughts, emotions, and attitudes, which can in turn affect their physical reality. When individuals bring their attention to their intention through repeated concentration, they create new connections in their brain that shape their experience.

The potential benefits of mind-body healing therapies are numerous, as indicated by numerous studies. These studies demonstrate that mind-body therapies can improve physical health and reduce symptoms of chronic illness. For example, research shows that mindfulness meditation can reduce inflammation and pain in individuals with rheumatoid arthritis.

I have in my own practice been playing for a decade or so with very similar ideas and practices, seeking to deepen my musing on the impact of broadening our view of intention. i have observed many first hand examples in clients of the neuroplasticity, life changes, reformed relationships to self and others as a consequence of the recipe and the space i have learned to hold around it. in fact it may be bold but i have observed much greater impact on clients when i shifted my attention from a purely physical anatomical view of a human being to a more mind body centric idea. I have watched in wonder what shifts occur in clients (and even more so with students) lives in seeming direct correlation to the work they received.

On the physical level we all know that Structural integration and the ten-series are an excellent way to achieve balance, alignment, and reduce pain and discomfort in the body. By working with the fascia, structural integration aims to achieve balance in the musculoskeletal system, improve posture, and reduce tension.

Joe Dispenza's work on the power of intention underscores the role of the mind in creating physical reality. When individuals cultivate specific intentions, they can shift their thoughts, emotions, and attitudes, affecting their physical reality

I have been observing this combined effect in synergy in the expansion of clients potential in my practice and teachings for long enough now to feel confident in sharing it with a wider community of our Rolf Tribe.

i guess my point is that there is more going on under the hood, of this work than we perhaps commonly discuss. The impact, is greater than even i dared hope for when i first stepped into the shadow of Peter Melchior and the Guild in boulder. What i have struggled to find language for and describe/verfiy accurately to other practitioners over the years for fear of sounding too woolley or glastonbury, it delights me that it is now possible to see imaged and measure these wonderful shifts in lives, biology and psychology that i have been watching for so long.

Is it too much to suggest that i feel Dr Rolf may have had a sense of this potency for change too? I wonder how excited she would have felt with this biofeedback and quantum imaging technology. Kirlian photography and Valery Hunt may have been just the beginnings…..

If the recipe and the body are the Main mast of our Ship then Intention becomes both the wind and the sails that can carry us effortlessly over calm waters and choppy to the new life of our choosing following whatever north star we choose…… or maybe i’m going Glasto again;)


Emotions Matter


The body never lies…and we can prove it