The body never lies…and we can prove it

Kinesiology, the book Power vs. Force by Hawkins, and the Map of Consciousness explored through the medium of Structural Integration are three interrelated approaches that have been used to raise the resonant level of consciousness of clients. These approaches have a profound impact on people, changing not only their view of themselves but also the way they relate to the world.

Kinesiology is a method that can be used to ask questions of a persons non-conscious self. The 4 trillion bit per second super computer that takes in the heart brain and gut brain and is effectively running the show. The muscle response indicates a positive or negative response to any binary question. Kinesiology is a powerful tool for identifying and correcting imbalances in the body, improving posture, and relieving chronic pain. By combining this with some of hawkins excellent work it becomes possible to take this to another level entirely with the tantalising opportunity to map posture against the Story of a persons life, what unexpressed emotions or trauma relate to what aspects of structure and consequently how they move through life.

Power vs. Force, the book by David Hawkins, is a seminal work on consciousness and spirituality. Hawkins uses muscle testing to measure the levels of resonance of thoughts and emotions, from despair to enlightenment. According to Hawkins, the higher the level of resonance, the more beneficial the thought or emotion is for one's well-being. By understanding the level of resonance of our thoughts and emotions, we can make better choices and make our lives more fulfilling.

The Map of Consciousness, developed by Hawkins, is a graphical representation of the levels of resonance of consciousness, from the lowest levels of shame and guilt to the highest levels of enlightenment. This map is a useful tool for understanding our own consciousness and that of others. It helps us to identify the barriers that prevent us from achieving higher levels of consciousness, such as limiting beliefs and negative emotions.

Structural Integration, by Dr Rolf’s design was a tool for inviting human beings to experience their greater potential. To her the body was the bit of the soul she could get her hands on so whilst she designed a very grounded means of unravelling the body, releasing tension and realigning the body, she clearly had her eye on a greater prize at the end of the process. Once you understand that postural patterns are managed by the deepest non conscious (which includes the subconscious) it is not a greta leap to see our deepest emotional patterns written visibly in our structure and thus how we present ourselves to the world. So whilst we all know Structural Integration can help to improve posture, flexibility, and physical performance it would seem that dr Rolf had quietly spoken aspirations to enhance the human condition and understood the emotional and thus spiritual underpinnings of this work.

When these three approaches are used together, Rolfi can have a profound impact on raising the resonant level of consciousness of clients. By identifying and releasing physical tension and imbalances through Structural Integration, clients can become more aware of their bodies and their energy flow. By using muscle testing and the Map of Consciousness, We can understand the nature of these physical aspects in a new and deeper way. Clients can become aware of their thoughts and emotions, Understand how these patterns have shaped their lives. As the patterns are released from the sensible physical body, awareness and consciousness can be directed gently by a practitioner towards the possibility of a life with new possibilities in the absence of these old reflexes and raise them to higher levels of resonance. This can lead to a greater sense of direction, purpose, well-being, as well as a deeper understanding of themselves and the world around them.

From a shamanic perspective, these approaches can be seen as tools for raising one's vibration and connecting with higher realms of consciousness which can also be mapped and represented alongside hawkins map of consciousness. The very nature of thought feeling ideas and beliefs shifts massively with each increment up the scale. The truth from the level of fear whilst entirely true at that level is almost completely incongruent with the same at the level of love. Shamanic traditions around the world have long understood the importance of alignment and resonance in the body, mind, and spirit. By working with the body's energy flow, the mind's resonance, and the spirit's connection to the divine, shamanic practitioners have been able to achieve profound states of consciousness and healing. For the Rolfi, by experimenting with these levels for example moving up from rationality to love in the energy one holds as part of ones intention within a session and a recipe, One can often experience radically different responses and revelations. Both levels are entirely true and correct but the experience offered by each is very different. Bodies and humans seem much more willing to change when love is part of the intention.

In conclusion, the interrelated approaches of kinesiology, Power vs. Force, the Map of Consciousness, and Structural Integration can be powerful tools for raising the resonant level of consciousness of clients. These approaches can help people to become more aware of their bodies, thoughts, and emotions, and achieve higher levels of awareness and well-being. From a shamanic perspective, these approaches can be seen as tools for connecting with higher realms of consciousness and achieving spiritual enlightenment.

For Practtioners these tools and ideas constitute a wonderful exploration of intention and its observable consequence. It can change the way you touch a body, it can shift the cost of this work to your own body, it can elicit even greater change for less energy, it has the potential to begin radically and gently facilitating great changes in the lives of our clients which they will resonate out into there own world in a wonderful fractal of uplifted resonance.

I suspect That this was Dr Rolfs deeper muse in her sharing of her wonderful gifts with this world


Supernatural Structural Integration


Psychoneuro immunology, epigenetics, posture, conciousness and fascia